Enchanted Wood building imagination and education
It is well acknowledged that imaginary and educational play promotes, develops and improves problem solving brain skills in kids and adults. After all isn’t brainstorming just a form of exercising one’s imagination?
An Enchanted Wood fantasy house is a great centrepiece to encourage children to develop appreciation of shape, form and feel of natural materials in a world of plastics and digital imagery.
In a world of stress and upheaval there can be great mental benefit derived from constructive behaviour stimulated through imaginary play which facilitates opportunities for creative story telling and writing exercises.
Using naturally weathered bush timber we utilise existing nooks and crannies and sculp out voids in the pieces to house all manner of imaginary beings and woodland creatures inside. In some cases a slice of the external surface is fashioned into a door and attached by metal hinges and with others a tailor made door is created and attached with functional hinges.Some of our fantasy logs remain uninhabited, ready for you to populate using your own imagination or to keep special treasures hidden in a secret hideaway!